The colors are changing and the landscape is alive in this frenetic windy season shift. It stirs up feelings within to want to shed old ways and start a new. As leaves turn colors and drop marking their graceful end of their cycle it acts as a visual reminder of time and cycles fruition. It feels like a perfect time to begin a project! I want to tap into that shifting energy and natural flow that has really been inside me all along since I can recall with that readying for a new school year.
Fall feels like a more natural time to plan and grow something under ground in the darkness as the light gets shorter. And emerge with a new project in the spring. Blossom up new ideas and show off what you have been up to in this seemingly hibernation period of Fall/Winter.
Seeing all this change visually happening all around me stirs up this energy inside me. For years growing up all through out art school that energy was pretty much channeled into the new start of a school year.
As I am no longer in school I have to ask myself how do I tap into that energy and what can I do with it? It's up to me to be aware and create a plan for myself.

It's no secret I love gardens, ,nature and being a part of it—appreciating all the stages of growth through out the seasons.
I often like to reflect on time by seeing the plants as natures clock blooming, thriving then dying off and beginning that cycle of growth all over again. It makes me think of my creative process planting seeds in my sketchbooks growing those ideas to more full robust finished works then making the cycle of fruition by either sharing or exhibiting the work with others.

My Garden many years ago began as a blank slate that has filled in the space more than I could have hoped! Each year it shifts and changes but has foundations of the beginning that really make me appreciate the process of growth and the passing of time.
The energy I put into the growth of my garden and my life garden will show in what I get as returns. You water, fertilize, prune and pull weeds you yield a richer lusher bounty. I think this can be applied to many parts of life. What you put into something often mirrors what you get back. Smile and be smiled upon.

Tapping into that same energy with my creative projects helps clear my mind of noise and have a clearer picture of what I want to create and plan. This natural shifting flow of energy with the seasons really helps carry me through on creative goals and ideas. Plant a seed, water, grow, blossom wilt and fertilize for future growth.

New growth ALWAYS happens you can't avoid it change is going to happen whether you want it to or not it's part of the movement of life. We have our seasons just like plants we have cycles and stages and blooms and blossoms as well as loss as the leaves shed dead leaves in autumn. Making way for a new chapter in spring. A point I want to remind myself and others is that there is always room for new growth no matter how long or short you have been around. Life is a movement which is change which means growth is inevitable!

Tapping into the seasonal energy flow feels like a more natural rhythm to helping push an idea along to fruition. So I invite you to plant seeds now go underground as we go into darker seasons and grow your beautiful dreams to bloom in the new spring. Projects, plans and dreams take work and time and cycles that we all have to go through in order to see if come to it’s full potential.
The more you tend to your garden, your idea, the greater a bounty you can harvest for yourself. Embrace the growth and love the change. Go with the natural flow of energy the season offers us, helping carry us through to the other side.

Some ways I nurture my creative flow:
Create a sacred space you can return to every morning ( I prefer to move with the circadian rhythm of the day ) for reflection free from distractions
Journaling helps me stay grounded and connected to my creative plans. It clears any noise I may have in my thoughts. I think of the brain dumps in my journals like pulling weeds from my mind to clear ground for richer thoughts..
Create a dedicated workspace, free from distractions, this allows me to fully immerse myself in my art and get to it rather than having to worry about setting things up just get right to it letting the energy flow through you onto paper or canvas or whatever your choice of material is.
Keep a sketchbook to plant your seeds free from fear of failure or judgment. This is a safe space to develop your inner plans and build a strong foundation for future projects.
Embrace uncertainty in your creative process Let go and make marks freely without concern for the outcome this exploration allows for greater chance of discovery and growth.

As I wrote this blog post, I sat in my garden under my cherry trees whose leaves are shifting in color–green-to-yellow-to-brown, and then returning to the earth for future nourishment of the next cycle. I can see the shift and feel the energy move all around me, almost like nature’s nudging me to embrace the flow.

So I invite you to shift with me shift with nature let the natural flow of nature carry us along in our own creative journeys. I can’t wait to see what we all bloom in the spring after we come out of our creative hibernation. I share this post with you to encourage the embrace of seasonal energy flow and allow that transformative power of this season to help nudge you along on your creative path allowing the natural flow of the seasons to carry you in your projects.

I encourage you to connect with nature, feel the crisp autumn air, feel and see the shifting life cycles and let the natural rhythms of the seasons inspire your own plans. Embracing the seasonal energy flow can be a powerful tool for personal growth and bringing creative projects to fruition.
Sweet Dreams, Angie
*All photos, images and writings are ©Angie Mason 2024