Mind Gunk
January is a messy and sticky
Cloudy fog clog
All the gunk of life
From last year is still
Deeply stuck on you
It’s not a flip switch
Fresh start trick
It’s more of a breathe deep
And shake off the mind gunk chunks
And stale life crumbs
It’s a steady slow
rumble shake process
Rest and repeat
Keep breathing deep and
Don’t let the end of year exhaustion
And new year pressure
Press you
Happy nowhere you are here
That is enough—that is ok
Deep breath—Breathe
Feel that? You are alive
And...THAT is glorious
Place your hand on your heart
Feel the vibration of your energy
Flowing through you
So go on be a sticky stuck slob
Allow the steadiness of living
Loosen the gunk
And fall away as you
Continue to live
Shaking off days
It takes time for shifts
So be gentle as you may be still
Dusty dirty and down in the dumps
Mind gunk goo can really
Get stuck to you
All the pressure planner nonsense
Swirls around online in our days
Turn your eyes and look away
Keep breathing and resting
and be loving to your mind
Be gentle, go slow
And always be kind .
Waking up,