Tragically Delicious
The Latest works by artist Angie Mason are inspired by the show name Tragically Delicious. This new collection of works have been cooked up over an open heart stove of longing, memories, dreams and mysteries reflecting on such things as loss, consumption, immobility, time and the failed pursuit of perfection to name a few. This batch of sugar coated sweet works are glossed over as to make the dull pain of life taste better by drinking up the frothy creaminess of pretending to make it all go away with the harsh reality that you can't. CorruptCakes run rampant tempting you into this world of highly sweetened glazed over looks of failed perfection while the struggle for perfection is finally brought down by the inevitability of time. The losing of possessions and the self is also present within the work though here it's cookies being lost as a symbol of life possessions, status and desire. Ice Cream wanna-be Queens drip melting messes of time passing them by as they are never fully Queens but held back Princess Stuckache Cupcakes. These stressed desserts are deserted stone cold beauties left to rot. Come ponder the new collection of light and dark works drizzled over with humor then served with a slice of sadness.
Tragically Delicious
A Recipe For Disaster:
2 lbs. of love
A smidgen of hate
1 cup of sorrow
mix well with finely chopped bitter sweets
Stir till the belly of the beast gurgles just right.
Bake well till the edges are burnt out on living
and in the end you will have a fresh batch
of all new works from Angie Mason.
It's suspicious, pernicious and Tragically Delicious.
A visual feast coming soon for hungry eyes everywhere!